The main purpose of this website is to help you to get the most out of your QPSMR software licence, the software for survey data collection and tabulations. Whether you are new to QPSMR or whether you want to learn how to use one of its many advanced tools, this website will help you.
If you want to understand more about data collection and analysis of market research data, we can help. Let us explain how QPSMR can help to process your survey data from data collection to delivering insights and tabulated results using easy-to-understand software.
On our main MRDC Software website, you can find all the information you need to know about QPSMR – features, pricing, presentations. In practice, QPSMR is ideal for data collection from paper questionnaires, CAPI (computer-assisted personal interviewing) and CATI (telephone surveys). Moreover, QPSMR has all the tools you need to manage data and analyse it to provide valuable insights.
MRDC offers a wide range of software solutions. Firstly, for online surveys, we offer unbeatable value with Snap Surveys. Secondly, for scripted tabulations, nothing matches MRDCL with QPSMR using the same engine. Finally, our free secondary analysis tool, Resolve, allows colleagues and clients to reanalyse QPSMR data.